About the St Vincent's Boys / St Malachy's Alumni Association;
St. Vincent's Boys / St. Malachy's Alumni Association began in 1981 with the late Dr. Louis Simon '56 as the first President. The alumni/ae Association consists of all the graduates of the two schools and it's purpose is to raise monies to assist the graduating class in their further studies and as well to assist the school. Each year the 'Alumni' through trust funds and generous donations provide the graduating class over 20,000$ in scholarships towards post-secondary studies.
Each June an alumni/ae reunion dinner is held and all members are invited to gather to reminisce about their days in high school as well as to meet the members of their class. Recently the reunion has been held at St. Malachy's High School and will held there again on June 14, 2013. An elected alumni/ae board of directors governs the association and all alumni/ae are invited to attend meetings. New members are welcome.
St. Vincent's Boys / St. Malachy's Alumni Association began in 1981 with the late Dr. Louis Simon '56 as the first President. The alumni/ae Association consists of all the graduates of the two schools and it's purpose is to raise monies to assist the graduating class in their further studies and as well to assist the school. Each year the 'Alumni' through trust funds and generous donations provide the graduating class over 20,000$ in scholarships towards post-secondary studies.
Each June an alumni/ae reunion dinner is held and all members are invited to gather to reminisce about their days in high school as well as to meet the members of their class. Recently the reunion has been held at St. Malachy's High School and will held there again on June 14, 2013. An elected alumni/ae board of directors governs the association and all alumni/ae are invited to attend meetings. New members are welcome.